
Unherd phd vaccine
Unherd phd vaccine

unherd phd vaccine


Some typical research topics in Immunology include:Ī majority of Immunology programmes are advertised with full funding attached. Registration: 01893173 © AcuMedic Ltd.What’s it like to do a PhD in Immunology?Īs a PhD student in Immunology, you’ll gain extensive laboratory skills, particularly in cell culture, and develop the ability to critically appraise methods used in the literature to decide which is best for your research. Learn More Acupuncture & Chinese MedicineĪcuMedic, 101-105 Camden High Street, London, NW1 7JN Please email to arrange your consultation. As always, AcuMedic is available for Phone Consultations should you wish to find ways to improve and protect your health and happiness. I trust that you are all keeping well, staying positive and focused on health rather than illness. Our first two conversations involve COVID-19: Our sister business, Mei Leaf Tea, has started a podcast to discuss a wide range of topics over tea. Please consider signing their Vaccine Transparency Letter:

unherd phd vaccine

There are many sides to every argument and I am intentionally providing some of the less-heard views to help you reach your own conclusions, or at least be as informed as possible when you engage in the debate. AcuMedic does not necessarily agree with everything in these links but they raise important questions. In this letter I include just a few links for you to read or watch below. Now I would like to add: take charge of your thinking. Often we say to our patients: 'take charge of your health'. USEFUL LINKSĪt AcuMedic we specialise in integrative health and I would also like you to have a holistic and balanced awareness of different perspectives on how we should deal with COVID-19. Being passive is not an option in my opinion. Don't be afraid to have these discussions – the potential impact on our lives and our future generations depends on rigorous debate by everyone. I sincerely encourage you to research (despite the censorship on major platforms) the questions raised in this letter. Freedom of information leads to more freedom. In these times of non-stop noise and stress, I hope that you can find a new source of grounding and optimism in your natural ability to question what you hear and think on your own terms. Only when we have real transparency in the science can we, as a population, decide whether our hard-fought social liberties, livelihood and future health should be controlled in such dramatic ways. This is not about entertaining a conspiracy theory – this is a call for transparency into the decision-making mechanisms that affect you and me every day. Have you wondered just how independent the science can be when practically all of the groups advising the global response to COVID-19 are funded by the same small lobby? YOU DESERVE A FULL EXPLANATION How much have you heard about other relevant views, such as the possibility that the lockdown can kill many more people than it saves?

unherd phd vaccine

Have you ever thought about who is advising the Government on these issues? But what about the wider and long-term collateral damage caused by the decisions? Why are published studies showing the benefits of simple immune fortifying supplementation being ignored by the media and governments? WHO IS ADVISING THE DECISION MAKERS?ĭoes it not surprise you that the SAGE group does not include economists or sociologists looking at the wider impact of lockdown to people’s happiness and health? Instead, they mostly contain scientists specialising in infectious disease tasked with one simple aim – control the virus. If we could improve that 99.5% by just 0.1% we would save thousands of lives. What that means is that in over 99.5% of cases of infection, the immune system will handle the virus.ĭoes it not surprise you that the SAGE group of scientists advising the UK government does not include a specialist in Immunology? What do the latest studies across the globe say? They show that the mortality rate of COVID is almost certainly between 0.1-0.5%. Is that science independent or biased? Are those biases intentional or unintentional? We are used to hearing that the decisions being made globally and in the UK around lockdown and the fast-tracked search for a vaccine are ‘driven by science’. Have you ever wondered how transparent or complete is the science driving the decisions around COVID-19? In the spirit of integrative medicine that AcuMedic has been pioneering since 1972, I am writing to urge for a comprehensive transparency and rigour in how the world debates and decides the questions of public health. What Would Happen If You Knew the Answers to These COVID Questions?

Unherd phd vaccine