
X word info
X word info


I must give a nod to Matt Allington who documented a similar process with PDF files which possibly had some influence in Microsoft providing a PDF connector into Power Query in 2019. Warning! This method will make the file unopenable in Word, I'd suggest making a copy of the file and working with the copy. Word file containing table with data pasted with 'keep source formatting'īody, tbl, tr, tc, p, r (to reveal column 't' with the values from the table)Įven with these caveats, this process is one that demonstrates some of the potential of Power Query when combined with some creative manipulation of source data. Word file containing a table with data pasted as valuesīody, p, r (to reveal column 't' which contains the values from the table)

x word info

This is how I found the data in the XML structure for the 2 examples I mentioned earlier Here is the XML Mapping from the two examples i've mentioned To summarise, if your word file is formatted differently to this example, you may need to open the xml file in a browser to locate the values from the table and then you'll be able to navigate to it in Power Query. After a bit of exploratory work I managed to locate the data which would allow this method to work.

x word info

I've just repeated the process with another file where I pasted using the default paste option (keep source formatting) and the below example didn’t work because the data was located in a different place in the XML structure of the document.xml file. The Word file I've used contains the contents of a range of excel cells that I deliberately pasted as values into Word to create a test file for this example. Although the steps I've covered below aren't complex, this whole process has some unknowns around it so you may find the result in your instance varies from mine.

X word info